Saturday, September 24, 2016

Linda Izan and her inspiration for World of Glass

At the Private View of 'Light Fantastic', Linda Izan went to find the young female glassblower, Niki Steele, who had been her inspiration for the work '100 years - The Glassblower' 

Linda comments:-
"I thanked her for her part in the development of the work and we discussed the important contribution that women have made and continue to make in the production of glass in Pilkington’s. The work that I produced spans a 100 year period starting with World War 1 and the contribution to the industry in a time of war and then arriving at Niki Steele’s glassblowing skills in the present time."

The images show Linda with Niki, part of the finished piece and photographs taken during its creation. Exhibition on until the 4th November at the World of Glass, St Helens.

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